UCA (BA Fashion Journalism) have emailed me about my application with a short creative writing brief to decipher whether or not they want to offer me and interview! The brief is actually really imaginative, theres lots you can do with it even though it's max 400 words.

Brief title:

'On a desert island, the pigeon post will bring only one publication each month. Which one would you choose and why?'

However it does pose a dilemma, do I go all Fashionista or show my cultural, political side off with my interest in newspapers? I read so many of both it's going to be a struggle choosing. 'We are looking at these pieces for creativity, stylistic flair, written language competence and industry awareness.'

What I do like to read often is the Sunday times, the Metro every morning, ELLE Uk, US Vogue, 10 magazine, Phoenix and well mainly ELLE Uk as I've been reading it for the past 4 years. Hmmm I'm very excited to begin writing it!


  1. I have to do the excatly same thing. Good luck in yours :)

  2. Thank you for your comment! Just be yourself is my advice! I got in (last year) but I also got in London College of Fashion for Fashion Journalism, so I'm now in my 2nd term of my first year, doing that :-)
