By 6:30 am the next day (25th) I was woken for the UCLAN interview. This day didn't start well either. I tried to get out of going so much but my mum was having none of it, and I can be vicious sometimes as much as I detest it. I took a new approach with my outfit after yesterdays disaster and wore the pleated black maxi skirt I thrifted this week with a Wang esque black basic tee, paired with brogues and a oriental scarf wrapped around my head, oh and 60's big black round earrings. I was so comfy. I can't stop wearing black! Also got a thing with head scarfs at the moment.
You know that gut feeling that somethings going to go wrong? Yeah I had that, and it did. There was a fire on the platform my train was on, THE ONLY PLATFORM. So we had to grab a taxi to Oxford road station so we stopped off at Starbucks for drink where which I was hoping to put my persuasive skills to the test and convince my mum to not bother going, no luck there, we got take out. But I did see Alex Epstein from the Apprentice 2010 hahaha he came in the same Starbucks and looked me right in the eye, I tweeted straight away. My mum was stood next to him getting sugar and didn't even realise haha. I wondered where he was off to....
We ran to the taxi rank outside where as soon as I got in my mum has the awkward habit of telling the driver where to go while standing in the middle of the taxi before sitting down. So I'm trying to jump in and shes there so I have to slide around therfore dropping my Starbucks all over myself and in the taxi. No iced caramel macchiato for me ): I was gutted, the clothes were fine, the taxi was not. What a morning already. The station was packed and I wanted to go home. We waited 20 mins in the cold, for the delayed train with some freak women behind me scattering her empty pistachio shells EVERYWHERE - WHO DOES THAT!!!!!!!!! Also who eats hundreds of pistachio nuts at 8 am??! With each trickle, as each shell hit the ground around her, not even in a particular area or pile like a normal person, it grated my very last nerve. But she had a cheek piercing so I think the odds were against me. I wanted to cry, so I hid under the stone staircase to compose myself. My mums was still not having none of it, and I was fighting back like a spoilt brat. Then the train arrived |:
In my interview, Ruth the Interviewer, really liked my illustrations and said I was quite the networker, which is a huge compliment! I suppose it's true with the amount of people I have met just at the interviews. A girl asked for my number because her interview for Art Foundation at MMU is on the 3rd of March like mine! So that was nice. I just see it as being friendly because theres nothing worse than an awkward situation, I'm also really interested in people so I love to converse even though I am actually a shy, sensitive person!

We visited LUSH purely for the smell. I bought my Leeds fest necessities there last year so it was good to pop in. A lad who worked there approached me with a joke about the size of the mirror as he couldn't see into it as he was so tall! He was very talkative and confident in the charismatic way, I love people like that. He convinced me to by the Woosh shower jelly as I kept prodding it because it was making this little girl laugh in the store haha, I can't wait to use it. I heart Lush!
It really was battle of the Yorkies and the Lancs these past two days. Re living history, one step at a time. |
I really recommend UCLAN Preston University!
With these experiences it has taught me to be more comfortable with the way I want to dress just because people where I live dont dress the same. Thats the point, usually most people are interested in as to what I wear or anyone, I know I am. I'm also learning how I cope with different, changing, pressurising situations and meeting so many different people all the time. It's a good journey but will be glad when it's done with, bring on the 3rd! Now who's getting in the Malibu?
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