Check out The Shangri-Las - 'Shout'

A fluro hot pink has been cropping up over the last six months in a variety of graphic pieces from magazines to the Tate Moderns gallery map. I have scanned in below my dress (behind the MAP) I purchased this week from Camden stables for £10!!!! They were pretty gutted it didn't have a label and were quick to price it up so it's now mine and perfect for GLASTO!
This silver turquozie ring I bagged for £6 on Camden market saved me well over £80 I was charged for a similar one down the road. As you can see, George nail paint taints my finger tips and behind, a smudge pink blur, is the latest issue of LCF's Pigeons and Peacocks.
There's a funny story about Andy Warhol I will save for a later date, you'll understand why. So here is a picture of my style icon, Chloe Sevigny. I've never been into style icons and was asked the other day who mine was. I have chose Chloe because she was that geek in 5th grade (whatever year that was) wearing butterfly clips and dungarees, and still is but with better hair. It's perfect unattainable festival hair that I love!

A cover scan of the latest Pigeons and Peacocks. I've received their past two copies and this has started from 'issue one' perhaps a new editor but until I read it all, it's graphics have changed considerably and I love holding it. Which is what I think all magazines should aim to do. When I buy a magazine, I want to take it with me every where I go, no mater how weightious. I want it on the bus to college and in the park when I should be socialising; like I did with this. (read the cover - it rhymes hehehe)
Here is the perfume I got for Christmas, my little sister and I got one each, we're so grateful. It kind of symbolises our maturity and seriousness in life. A strong scent for a strong, yet pubescent, woman. What do I know. Barry M nail paint, the ring and postcard clue to for a future blog post... HAPPIE LOVES IT on Covent Garden, stay tuuuuuuuuuuned
Another scan of an amazing magazine I'm addicted too. Amazing cover. I think I partially buy POP for the stickers. This issue there are Gillian Wearing Balenciaga stickers I've stuck all over my Graphics book, just to really push my teacher over the edge so everything becomes sadistically humorous (its deadline time, handle with care all art staff or if possible, just stay away!) they're kind of freaky. I backed my book with the new Kings Cross supplement for CSM.
Jarvis Cocker (PULP), myself with a Polaroid camera which needs some film, Morrissey and The Drums, Jonathan and Jacob.
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