Remember this guy? 'Uhm' Of course you do. Now a fabulous Fashion and Style Director at W magazine, his latest jobby has been this lovely - 'Scene on the Street' in NY, for W, August '11. Shot by Alasdair McLellan.

Usually two girls perched on a street corner in extremely detailed clothes, mad hair and clashing prints would look a little odd. But somehow, I'm all over it. I'm like hello, I like your hair with that dress. Those overly embellished heels are calling my name and the whole kleptomania I'll put fur with graphic print thing is really attracting me. Great styling all I can say. It works! For me I think it's the hair that balances it out. Lindsey Wixson & Daphne Groeneveld are just obviously to cool, well dressed, skater chicks.

Where as here there perfectly fit to take home and show your mum. If they weren't so pretty you'd actually think they were a: boys and b: clearly offspring of some powerful sugar daddy. Nice one Edward.
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