a first

I wanted to share with you all my first print byline for Phoenix magazine issue 7! At 18! I'm ecstatic!

They're profiles on two up and coming fashion designers one, of which I already adored - Rory Longdon! 

My names also in the masthead (under fashion & editorial interns)!

David Gandy is on the cover also so go get it now, what are you waiting for! I've read Phoenix since issue one so it was amazing to work for and within it! 

Its been such a weird year. I really feel like I've come full circle in finding myself entering the dreaded realm of adult-hood (I'M BARELY 18!!!!!). I've got a long way before I 'grow up' but I've definitely become more independent and relaxed, I used to hate doing things on my own and always had to know every single detail in advance. But studying at an art school, EVERYTHING is open to change, which is something I had to adapt to and ride with. It makes you be on top of your work but also not feel guilty for social time as NO ONES life is work work work. The best creative people work hard and play even harder - in a none cringey way. For the past 2 years I've been a social mute. Yeah I was 'social' but no where near as much as I used to be, not having a job cuts you back a bit but I just wasn't even wanting to spend quality time with my friends as I was so tired from staying up all night (ALL NIGHT) working and going to college on no sleep or not going in at all, just ruined me. 

This year has definitely taught me to balance. In the photo above was at the end of my first term at university, it was a presentation infront of both the fashion journalism students in my class and the PR's. Although we were all friendly, it was such a daunting and sucky term as they throw as much work at you so you experience HIGHER EDUCATION STANDARDS, it was horrible, I hated it, but I did it and I just remember dreading that presentation (I'm the tiny, shot away, smurf like one). Even during, I messed up my words as I was reading from a script, I was mortified, until I overcome it by being myself, ignoring the script and in the end made the crowd laugh. University really teaches you to use your own judgement because no one is going to tell me how do things, it's up to me to work that out for me and it's up to me to enjoy it/life along the way. Otherwise, that'll make anyone crazy. Although I'm still not as social-able as I would like (such as referring to friday as FRIDAYYYY!!) it's the summer and I'm also working this summer so I won't feel guilty about spending my monies as they'll be my monies! I wish I got paid for breathing. But, it's not about the money. It's about good life choices. I've kicked the habit this term of staying up all night working, procrastinating (as much), junk food overloading and neglecting exercise, which honestly perks up my day. Roll on the fun times!

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